Ferring Deli

Ferring Deli

Restaurants in North Baldwin, NY

Restaurants Caterers Convenience Stores and Delis

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1181 Grand Ave,
North Baldwin , NY 11510 UNITED STATES

About Ferring Deli

Ferring Delicatessen & Caterers a family tradition for over 40 years. Tom, Ron and Paul have been in this business for a long time and know how to do it right. That includes catering, chopped salads, great sandwiches and hot dishes, frozen dinners-and Ferrng's famous fresh baked breads and pies. Yum.


Ferring Deli 516-538-8655
1181 Grand Ave,
North Baldwin , NY 11510 UNITED STATES
Ferring Deli

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Ferring Deli
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Ferring Deli

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