Exclusive French Dry Cleaner

Exclusive French Dry Cleaner

Local Services in New York, NY

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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434 Lenox Ave.,
New York , NY 10037 UNITED STATES


Exclusive French Dry Cleaner 212-368-6774
434 Lenox Ave.,
New York , NY 10037 UNITED STATES
Exclusive French Dry Cleaner 1

Based on 1 reviews

Exclusive French Dry Cleaner 212-368-6774
434 Lenox Ave.,
New York , NY 10037 UNITED STATES
1 5

Disrespect custmers!

NO RESPECT TO CUSTOMERS AT ALL! I called for store hrs & how long for dry cleaneing pairs of pants. His respond was " today is close & bring them tuesday!" I told him nicely again, "I am't asking bring & pick them up today. Sir, all I'm asking you is how long you take?"He yelled at me "Listen! I have 15 cusotmers here & can't answer to you on the phone! You should come here if you have any questions!" then he hung up the phone. Why does he has the bussiness phone #? NO recommend using his bussiness through my experiences. (even though my first impressions on first calls were not good, I kept using the businesses. The result caused problems, damaged my properties financially & materially) we have many choises in any kinds of fields in the city. Choose & have good relationship bet us and bussinessmen/women!
posted at 05/07/05

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Exclusive French Dry Cleaner
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