Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts

Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts

Flowers & Gifts in Eugene, OR

Flowers & Gifts Wholesalers

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274 Valley River Ctr,
Eugene , OR 97401 UNITED STATES


Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts 541-687-0872
274 Valley River Ctr,
Eugene , OR 97401 UNITED STATES
Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts 1

Based on 1 reviews

Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts 541-687-0872
274 Valley River Ctr,
Eugene , OR 97401 UNITED STATES
1 5


The store is nothing like it was prior to its selling two years ago. The previous owner was always on the lookout for new and interesting items. It really has become stale and boring the same old stuff just displayed a little...
posted at 06/29/10

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Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts
Flowers & Gifts
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts

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