Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc.

Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc.

Restaurants in Orange, CT

Restaurants Bakeries Wholesalers

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284 Bull Hill Ln,
Orange , CT 06477 UNITED STATES


Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc. 203-932-1000
284 Bull Hill Ln,
Orange , CT 06477 UNITED STATES
Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc. 4

Based on 1 reviews

Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc. 203-932-1000
284 Bull Hill Ln,
Orange , CT 06477 UNITED STATES
4 5


I pick up items to bring to my family in Boston. I manage apartments and when we have an event the pastries ALWAYS come from Entemann's. You cannot beat the quality and price
posted at 11/24/10

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Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc.
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Entenmann's Bakery of Conn Inc.

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