Endicott Florist

Endicott Florist

Arts & Entertainment in Endicott, NY

Arts & Entertainment Flowers & Gifts Smoking

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119 Washington Ave,
Endicott , NY 13760 UNITED STATES


Endicott Florist 607-754-2424
119 Washington Ave,
Endicott , NY 13760 UNITED STATES
Endicott Florist 1

Based on 1 reviews

Endicott Florist 607-754-2424
119 Washington Ave,
Endicott , NY 13760 UNITED STATES
1 5

Huge Disappointment!

I am so upset...I have ordered their beautiful flowers since I was 18, I am now 52. I placed an order today..only to be told that I did not pay a bill from 2002. I order at least 6 arrangements every year, and I was told that I did not...
posted at 03/29/11

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Endicott Florist
Arts & Entertainment
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Endicott Florist

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