Empire Cleaners & Tailors

Empire Cleaners & Tailors

Fashion in Washington, DC

Fashion Dry Cleaning & Laundry Tailors-Seamstresses

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3710 Macomb St Nw.,
Washington , DC 20016 UNITED STATES


Empire Cleaners & Tailors 202-686-5282
3710 Macomb St Nw.,
Washington , DC 20016 UNITED STATES
Empire Cleaners & Tailors 3

Based on 2 reviews

Empire Cleaners & Tailors 202-686-5282
3710 Macomb St Nw.,
Washington , DC 20016 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad and dishonest cleaners

They ruined a tie. It had a small spot that was barely noticeable and then they tried to clean it. After that it was a huge smear.

They tried to patch my pants and unfortunately their version of a patch is to just sew entirely over...
posted at 06/11/11
Empire Cleaners & Tailors 202-686-5282
3710 Macomb St Nw.,
Washington , DC 20016 UNITED STATES
5 5

Organic Dry Cleaners

In addition to Georgetown Valet, this is one of the best dry cleaners in NW. It's also a bonus that they used organic dry cleaning methods. They offer same-day service, tailoring and shoe repair. The staff is incredibly sweet and helpful...
posted at 08/26/10

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Empire Cleaners & Tailors
3.0 (2 reviews)
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Empire Cleaners & Tailors

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