Auto Repair in Macon, GA
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
447 S Highway 247.,
Macon ,
Based on 3 reviews
1500.00 later and my car will not even start now!
All I will say is DO NOT TAKE YOUR CAR HERE! They do terrible work. Emmett Head is no longer the owner. The new owner is nothing like Emmett. He lets his employees tear up your car and charges you outrageous prices to do so. My car has...One of the worst business' I've ever dealt with
While dealing with the employees of this comnpany especially the owner Jack Young I found they were rude, egotistical and not very efficient. No one there seemed to know what was going on or what they were doing. The mechanic was openly...Never had a problem...
Emmett Head is a great place for new and used parts.Worldwide > United States > Macon, GA > Auto Repair