Dry Cleaning & Laundry in Las Vegas, NV
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"Freshen Up Your Wardrobe with Us!"
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Dry Cleaning & Laundry
Las Vegas , NV 89107 UNITED STATES
Bronco / Silverado Cleaners provide state-of-the-art cleaning technology for all fabric care. Our services include professional pre-spotting, cleaning, and expert finishing of each garment. We clean all types of shirts, including business shirts, collarless shirts, tuxedo shirts, pants, blouses, and more. No matter what the occasion, we’ll make sure your shirts are clean and professional.
Based on 2 reviews
No respect for customers
This place has no respect for its customers. I was blown away by the way I was treated. I read prior bad reviews but thought nothing of them, what a mistake!\rNo respect for customers
This place has no respect for its customers. I was blown away by the way I was treated. I read prior bad reviews but thought nothing of them, what a mistake!American Express
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