Eggleston Leroy E DVM

Eggleston Leroy E DVM

Veterinarians in Calhan, CO


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25130 Impala Cir.,
Calhan , CO 80808 UNITED STATES


Eggleston Leroy E DVM 719-632-0222
25130 Impala Cir.,
Calhan , CO 80808 UNITED STATES
Eggleston Leroy E DVM 3

Based on 1 reviews

Eggleston Leroy E DVM 719-632-0222
25130 Impala Cir.,
Calhan , CO 80808 UNITED STATES
3 5

Friendly service

I made a lot of calls to different vets to find someone to see my childs' pet on such short notice. Belcrest was the only one I found willing to squeeze me in. The staff was very friendly and made me feel welcome. They gave me all the...
posted at 10/19/10

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Eggleston Leroy E DVM
3.0 (1 reviews)
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