Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS

Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS

Dentists in Houston, TX


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8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES

About Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS

Gain confidence in your smile with Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS! We offer a comprehensive set of orthodontic options, from metal and ceramic brackets to self-ligating braces. Our experienced orthodontist in Houston, TX, will help you find the best solution for your smile, including a complimentary consultation to get started. We are dedicated to helping our patients achieve straight teeth using advanced technology. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your initial consultation!


Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 4

Based on 5 reviews

Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

We love Houston Orthodontics!

My oldest child has been a patient for close to 1 1/2 years. Dr. Bhagia and his staff are wonderful! Everyone is so professional, friendly and helpful. The office is cheery and very efficiently run. They seem to always run on schedule...
posted at 06/16/11
Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

Houston Orthodontics is #1!

I just came back from Houston Orthodontics today, and my experience was phenomenal! The staff there are incredibly friendly and make me feel welcome right away. Signing in was quick and easy.

I was scared half to death when I was told I...
posted at 05/10/11
Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

Houston Orthodontics Will Make you Smile

I am a young professional that missed out on braces when I was a kid. My teeth have always bothered me, but while I was in college, I never had the time or finances to take care of them. After graduation, I decided to take advantage of...
posted at 06/17/11
Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

Houston Orthodontics is the Best

My daughter just got her braces off after two years. The whole experience was easy and pleasant with Dr. Bhagia and the super staff at Houston Orthodontics. She really liked Dr. Bhagia because he explained everything to her in terms...
posted at 06/02/11
Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS 713-664-6611
8811 Frankway Drive, Suite A
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

Houston Orthodontics Can Help You!

First I have to say that I love Houston Orthodontics. There staff is great and friendly, and they do care about your teeth and how you feel. Dr. Bhagia is so nice, and cares about how you feel. When your hurting he will try 110% to make...
posted at 05/08/11

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Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS
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Houston Orthodontics - Mauricio Arguello, DDS, MS

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