Eastside Chiropractic PA

Eastside Chiropractic PA

Massage Therapy in Taylors, SC

Massage Therapy Chiropractors Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

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3014 Wade Hampton Blvd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES

About Eastside Chiropractic PA

Dr. David H. Mruz has been serving the upstate for over 35 years.  Dr. Mruz is a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic. He was appointed by Governor Haley to serve as a member of the Board of Chiropractic Examiners in 2012. He is the past chairman of the Chiropractic Board of Examiners while serving under Governor Carroll Campbell.   He is involved in Greenville, Taylors, and Greers community activities and routinely volunteers his services at Miracle Hill Ministries.


Eastside Chiropractic PA 864-292-6777
3014 Wade Hampton Blvd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
Eastside Chiropractic PA 5

Based on 3 reviews

Eastside Chiropractic PA 864-292-6777
3014 Wade Hampton Blvd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
5 5

Headache is gone

After suffering with migraine headaches for years, thank you Dr. Mruz! I am finally headache free! I would encourage anyone who suffers from Migraines to call Dr. Mruz. He is the best!
posted at 11/05/10
Eastside Chiropractic PA 864-292-6777
3014 Wade Hampton Blvd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
5 5

Injured at work, Dr. Mruz helped!

I just wanted to leave this review because Dr. Mruz was able to help me get control over a chronic back condition. My lower back pain began after lifting at work, and the workers comp. doctor wasn't able to help. My family doctor sent...
posted at 11/07/10
Eastside Chiropractic PA 864-292-6777
3014 Wade Hampton Blvd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
5 5

Headaches are gone

Thanks to Dr. Mruz, my headaches went from 3-4 per week to 6 months without a headache. I was seen quickly for my visits and the staff is very professional and friendly.
posted at 01/25/11

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Eastside Chiropractic PA
Massage Therapy
5.0 (3 reviews)
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Eastside Chiropractic PA

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