Duxler Tire

Duxler Tire

Auto Repair in Skokie, IL

Auto Repair Tires

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9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES


Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
Duxler Tire 4.4285714285714

Based on 7 reviews

Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
4 5

Fantastic from Start to Finish

Duxler has been a fantastic place to have my car serviced. They never pressure me to do extra work - they check out my car thoroughly, let me know what needs to be done, and if I choose some options and not others, they are always fine...
posted at 11/03/10
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Consistently good experiences

I have been taking my vehicles to Duxler for many years. They are one of the very few mechanics I have had consistently good experiences with. They have bent over backwards to accommodate my needs. They have been honest about the work...
posted at 10/21/10
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Goodbye Dealership

I've been a loyal dealership customer my entire life, but my neighbor recommended Duxler, so I decided to give them a try. I didn't know that their mechanics were ASE Certified and thought that even though you pay more at the dealership,...
posted at 09/20/10
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
2 5

Friendly Staff, but poor service

The mechanics here are really nice guys. They have a nice waiting area and rentals cars if your car needs to stay overnight. They told me they could get my car done that day. However they found out last minute they didn't have the right...
posted at 04/16/10
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Consistently good experiences

I have been taking my vehicles to Duxler for many years. They are one of the very few mechanics I have had consistently good experiences with. They have bent over backwards to accommodate my needs. They have been honest about the work...
posted at 09/29/10
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Blown Away

I was completely blown away by the service I got at Duxler! I could not believe how gracious and knowledgeable the staff was. I came in for an oil change and a free safety inspection, and I found out that my front brakes were...
posted at 03/16/11
Duxler Tire 847-679-4840
9323 Skokie Blvd.,
Skokie , IL 60077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fantastic from start to finish

Duxler has been a fantastic place to have my car serviced. They never pressure me to do extra work - they check out my car thoroughly, let me know what needs to be done, and if I choose some options and not others, they are always fine...
posted at 10/01/10

Detail information

Company name
Duxler Tire
Auto Repair
4.4 (7 reviews)
engine repair,  car mechanic,  auto diagnostics radiator repair
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Duxler Tire

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