Durham Law Firm

Durham Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Augusta, GA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2350 Washington Rd,
Augusta , GA 30904 UNITED STATES

About Durham Law Firm

Durham Law Firm, P.C. can help to advise you on any of your Personal Injury or Criminal Matters. Insurance Companies can be difficult to deal with after being involved in any Auto Accident, especially if involved with a Tractor-Trailer. We can help ease your mind and relieve the stress from dealing with these insurance companies, and possibly help you find more insurance coverage you otherwise wouldn't know about. We take time with our Clients in hopes to best settle your claim, so you can recover from your injuries.
Together our Attorneys have over 40 years of combined trial experience. Each attorney in this office began their legal career as a prosecutor. We believe this provides our clients a great benefit. As prosecutors our job was to prove cases beyond a reasonable doubt. Now as Defense Lawyers we focus on the areas where the State is lacking evidence. What better way to defend our clients, when knowing how the State puts the case together allows us to take it apart. We defend criminal cases in all court of Georgia, including Federal Courts.
Call us for a Free consultation, we now have 2 Locations to better serve our clients: Augusta and Evans, Georgia.


Durham Law Firm 706-738-7111
2350 Washington Rd,
Augusta , GA 30904 UNITED STATES
Durham Law Firm

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