Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD

Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD

Dentists in West Hollywood, CA


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9201 Sunset Blvd, #915
West Hollywood , CA 90069 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD


Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD 310-273-3650
9201 Sunset Blvd, #915
West Hollywood , CA 90069 UNITED STATES
Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD 5

Based on 3 reviews

Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD 310-273-3650
9201 Sunset Blvd, #915
West Hollywood , CA 90069 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Dentist in LA

I have been going to Dr. Farahmand for a while and I just cant say enough about him. He is so gentle and companssionate. He is honest and very clean.

I have told all my friends about him. I sent my sister and husband to him and they...
posted at 08/18/10
Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD 310-273-3650
9201 Sunset Blvd, #915
West Hollywood , CA 90069 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dr. Farahmand is a great dentist!

Dr. Farahmand is a great dentist! I've been going to him for several years, and he always makes me feel comfortable - a tough task for a dentist. His staff is always helpful, he takes my insurance, and he always makes me smile brighter!...
posted at 07/09/10
Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD 310-273-3650
9201 Sunset Blvd, #915
West Hollywood , CA 90069 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Dentist in LA

I have been going to Dr. Farahmand for a while and I just cant say enough about him. He is so gentle and companssionate. He is honest and very clean.

I have told all my friends about him. I sent my sister and husband to him and they...
posted at 08/19/10

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Dr. Omid Farahmand, DMD
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