Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD

Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD

Doctors in Glen Burnie, MD


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331 Oak Manor Dr, Suite 202
Glen Burnie , MD 21061 UNITED STATES

About Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Aditya Parshad offers comprehensive care for women in Glen Burnie, Maryland, in all stages of their lives, from their childbearing years to coping with menopause later in life. And Dr. Parshad’s expertise goes well beyond routine care — as a specialist in laparoscopic surgery, he’s able to deliver effective surgical solutions with the least amount of risk. On the obstetric side of his practice, Aditya Parshad, MD, handles both normal and high-risk pregnancies, ensuring the safety of both mother and child every step of the way.
To better serve his clients, Dr. Parshad is affiliated with MedStar Harbor Hospital and University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center where he performs more advanced procedures.
In the belief that a woman’s overall wellness is as much of an outside job as it is an inside job, Dr. Parshad offers state-of-the-art aesthetic services at his practice, including skin rejuvenation, body contouring, and laser hair removal.
Dr. Parshad received his medical degree from All India Institute of Medical Sciences and completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Parshad has a medical license from the state of Maryland.


Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD 410-760-6666
331 Oak Manor Dr, Suite 202
Glen Burnie , MD 21061 UNITED STATES
Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD

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Parshad MD: Aditya Parshad, MD

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