Dodge Town

Dodge Town

Auto Dealers in Rapid City, SD

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


1120 East Omaha Street,
Rapid City , SD 57701 UNITED STATES

About Dodge Town

When you're looking for your next Dodge or Ram vehicle, it's important that you buy from a dealer you trust. That's why we urge you to stop by Dodge Town to get to know us a little better and to check out the new and used vehicles we have available.

Here at our Rapid City dealership, you'll encounter our certified, friendly sales staff who are always happy to offer our customers any kind of assistance they might need. We do everything we can to help make your experience at our dealership as easy and pleasant as possible. When you shop with us you'll enjoy a hometown feel thanks to our welcoming staff and perks like complimentary coffee.


Dodge Town 605-343-2896
1120 East Omaha Street,
Rapid City , SD 57701 UNITED STATES
Dodge Town

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