Dentists in Phoenix, AZ
7010 E. Chauncey Lane,
# 245
Phoenix ,
Welcome to our practice
At Desert Ridge Orthodontics in Phoenix, Michael Papademetriou DMD MS, and Catherine Smith MA DMD, offer comprehensive orthodontic services for children, teens, adults and families living in Scottsdale, Phoenix and from all over the valley. The Desert Ridge Orthodontics team also provides services related to surgical orthodontics, complex interdisciplinary adult cases, and early interceptive orthodontics, Wilckodontics®, temporomandibular joint disorders, and sleep apnea.
Through careful attention to detail coupled with a vested interest in a compassionate approach to orthodontics, Dr. Papademetriou and Dr. Smith are committed to offering permanent solutions to what can be crippling orthodontic issues both for adults and children.
Drawing upon their knowledge as experienced educators and practitioners, the doctors understand how to make you confident that you’re in the best hands. In addition to this, it’s the practice’s philosophy not to waste your time. The team makes a concerted effort to get you in and out of the office as quickly as possible so that your treatment doesn’t interfere with your daily activities. Dr. Papademetriou and Dr. Smith stay up to date on current trends in the industry and can recommend cost- and time-effective treatments that are sure to put a lasting smile on your face.
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