Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED

Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED

Education in Salt Lake City, UT

Education Charities and Charitable Foundations Thrift Shops

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131 East 700 South,
Salt Lake City , UT 84111 UNITED STATES

About Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED

This location is now closed!


Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED 801-532-6201
131 East 700 South,
Salt Lake City , UT 84111 UNITED STATES
Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED 1

Based on 1 reviews

Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED 801-532-6201
131 East 700 South,
Salt Lake City , UT 84111 UNITED STATES
1 5

a place to get injured and no manager solving customer needs

there are some very agressive men that are mean to small ladies. when i approached asst. manager he stated they had to get permission to look at the video tape of an assault then stated gm refused to look at. then stated get them to...
posted at 03/13/10

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Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED
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Deseret Industries Thrift Store - CLOSED

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