Dental Arts of Hackensack

Dental Arts of Hackensack

Dentists in Hackensack, NJ


Contact us


176 Summit Ave,
Hackensack , NJ 07601 UNITED STATES

About Dental Arts of Hackensack

Dental Arts of Hackensack P.C., we offer a variety of restorative and preventive dental services, while incorporating some of the latest technology in dentistry, such as Laser Dentistry, Single Tooth Anesthesia System, Intraoral Camera, and 3D Extra-Oral Imaging. Our wide range of services include Dental Implants, Zoom Whitening, Crowns, Porcelain Veneers, Invisalign, Root Canal Therapy and Periodontal Treatment. We also offer cosmetic facial procedures like Botox, Lip Augmentation, and Cosmetic Fillers.

Each service is designed to extend the life of your teeth and total dental health, while also contributing to your physical comfort, outer appearance, and your inner confidence. We pledge excellence in all we do, and we look forward to helping you make the most of your smile now and for all the years to come.


Dental Arts of Hackensack 201-525-0202
176 Summit Ave,
Hackensack , NJ 07601 UNITED STATES
Dental Arts of Hackensack

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Dental Arts of Hackensack

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