Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW

Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW

Counseling & Mental Health in Chicago, IL

Counseling & Mental Health

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4256 N. Ravenswood Ave, Suite 311
Chicago , IL 60613 UNITED STATES

About Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW

I have over fifteen years of experience in counseling clients on issues of anxiety and depression. I am well-versed in assisting people with substance abuse issues. Additionally, I have an extensive background in working with people in grief and bereavement counseling, along with helping people with the loss of a pet or animal companion.


Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW 773-490-8972
4256 N. Ravenswood Ave, Suite 311
Chicago , IL 60613 UNITED STATES
Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW

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Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW
Counseling & Mental Health
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family counseling and therapy,  marriage and family counseling,  relationship counseling relationship counselor
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Dennis Pomerleau, LCSW

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