Roberta H. de Regt, M.D.

Roberta H. de Regt, M.D.

Doctors in Kirkland, WA


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12333 Northeast 130th Lane, Suite 240
Kirkland , WA 98034 UNITED STATES

About Roberta H. de Regt, M.D.

"I grew up in New York and have lived in the Northwest since 2001 so I feel I understand East and West coast mentality. Because of my upbringing, I tend to be very informative and try to develop a relationship with my patients based upon trust and understanding of a family's unique circumstances. I try to have a positive view on life, even in the face of difficult circumstances. I am an avid outdoors person loving deep powder skiing and hiking the Wonderland Trail. I cherish my three children and my husband who have enriched my life tremendously. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with families during their pregnancies so I find my job tremendously rewarding. and their baby's health. Many of our patients have complicated medical histories so we work together to make a sometimes difficult situation better. It is empowering for women to understand their health conditions so that they can have tools to best care for themselves. I also believe that every woman, even in a low risk pregnancy, deserves the best ultrasound possible to be sure that the baby is healthy at delivery. Our ultrasound machines are state of the art top quality machines. When a MFM specialist reads the ultrasound, she also speaks with the family personally, and as an expert in ultrasound, she can address anything that is out of the ordinary. We often provide risk assessment for families who are not sure if they are at increased risk of any problems with the pregnancy. I particularly enjoy working with our families with twins since a twins pregnancy is unique and requires extra attention."


Roberta H. de Regt, M.D. 425-899-2200
12333 Northeast 130th Lane, Suite 240
Kirkland , WA 98034 UNITED STATES
Roberta H. de Regt, M.D.

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Roberta H. de Regt, M.D.

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