Davidson Day School

Davidson Day School

Local Services in Davidson, NC

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers Schools

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750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES


Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
Davidson Day School 3.3636363636364

Based on 11 reviews

Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
1 5

Look at other options

This school is NOT what we were promised. Out child is VERY unhappy here. The athmosphere is very friendly IF and ONLY IF you are part of the PTA or your kid plays football or basketball. Well, my kid can't play either and our whole...
posted at 08/30/11
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
3 5


Education is very good but teachers and administration seem to be over extended. The preschool program simply takes up too much time and space and should either be eliminated or held elsewhere.
posted at 09/15/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
4 5

Very disappointed

We have been very disappointed with Davidson Day School. We were fooled by the fancy open house and their extensive marketing schemes. We were promised a unique learning experience through "Individual Learning Plans" however that has...
posted at 03/03/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
4 5


Problem? Very expensive private school can't get enrollment up.\r
Solution? Bring in a bunch of charlotte ball players and give them special tuition to win games..
posted at 11/13/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
4 5

Parent Demanding Educational Excellence

Davidson Day's headmaster, Bonnie Cotter, is a visionary who surrounds herself with excellence in teachers, academic leaders, and coaches. She sets the bar high in all areas. From adding a new high school football program and investing...
posted at 04/04/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great School

We are very happy at Davidson Day School. Indeed it has experienced growing pains which centered around the athletic department. Other than that, it is academically top notch and far superior than the surrounding schools.
posted at 11/22/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
4 5

slow growth vs rapid growth

Lake Norman needed an exclusive private school. Admissions were growing slow and steady as was tuition. It became known as a school or arts and academics. Students who transferred in generally came from area private schools or private...
posted at 11/19/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
5 5

Digesting the growth and emerging as an Excellent Institution

Rapid growth makes it difficult more difficult to satisfy everyone. Some, who have been at the school will be sceptical of the changes and the growth while others will see the vision that Bonnie Cotter is creating for the school. With...
posted at 08/25/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
1 5


Not what you think! There are no individualized learning plans anymore, no organization at all. Administration is not friendly. DDS was a great school about 4 years ago. Now it is a sports recruiting school. Way overpriced! Not happy with...
posted at 08/11/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
5 5

Happy Parent

All I can say is, "WOW!" My child just started at DDS, Upper School. The first week has been a wonderful educational experience. Coming from a public to private has been a very easy transition for our family. The vision is clear and...
posted at 08/20/10
Davidson Day School 704-237-5200
750 Jetton St.,
Davidson , NC 28036 UNITED STATES
1 5

My child is bullied here

My child has been teased and bullied at this school. I have a very sweet, well-behaved, and intelligent child. My child has been tripped, pushed, and constantly teased by two - three other students. I have had much communication with...
posted at 03/10/10

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Davidson Day School
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3.4 (11 reviews)
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