Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc.

Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc.

Dentists in San Francisco, CA

Dentists Doctors

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490 Post St.,
San Francisco , CA 94102 UNITED STATES


Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc. 415-362-4041
490 Post St.,
San Francisco , CA 94102 UNITED STATES
Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc. 5

Based on 3 reviews

Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc. 415-362-4041
490 Post St.,
San Francisco , CA 94102 UNITED STATES
5 5

gentle and caring dentist

I feel very lucky that I found Dr. Daligues. It was my first visit 6 months ago and went back several times to finish my treatment plan. She is very thorough and very knowledgeable and gentle. Everbody in the office were nice and...
posted at 03/23/11
Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc. 415-362-4041
490 Post St.,
San Francisco , CA 94102 UNITED STATES
5 5

awesome dentist

Been there several times and the office looks very clean and organized. Her staff are very friendly and courteous. She took her time in explaining my treatment plan using her digital x-rays and photos. They were very concerned about my...
posted at 07/09/10
Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc. 415-362-4041
490 Post St.,
San Francisco , CA 94102 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dr. Caroline Daligues

I've been a patient of Dr. Daligues for the last 10 years now and so far I am very happy with the service. Her staff are very courteous and very efficient. Dr, Daligues gave me a treament plan and discussed with me thorughly. I am very...
posted at 07/01/10

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Daligues Caroline C Dmd Inc.
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