Dahn Yoga

Dahn Yoga

Active Life in Las Vegas, NV

Active Life Yoga & Pilates Classes

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8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES


Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
Dahn Yoga 4.3076923076923

Based on 13 reviews

Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Inner Peace

One of the most important things I benefit after I joined Dahn yoga classes it was inner peace. I knew inside that I was healing. Healing physically, emotionally and mentally. It is so great to feel that way. I wasn't using any medication...
posted at 07/12/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Healing Lupus through Dahn Yoga

Prior to starting Dahn Yoga, I was diagnosed with Lupus in Jan of 09. I was on disability, I was on Xanax for anxiety, steroids for the Lupus, and medication for hypertension and sleep. But after two months of intense Dahn Yoga training...
posted at 07/08/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dont Go

Weird athmosphere, many people have said bad things about this particular yoga, it is like a cult. I will never go again, and if you decide to try it make sure that you are prepared to spend thousands of dollars.
posted at 05/14/08
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

I feel so much better

Since going to Dahn Yoga I feel so much better. I still have stress a lot but I'm better able to deal with it. I'm sleeping better and fit into smaller clothes. Everybody is very friendly and helpful. The classes are not so difficult I can't keep up (I'm not in the best shape, but I'm working on it). Other yogas I tried were either too hard or too slow. They keep changing the routine and adding different things, which helps me stay interested and coming to class! Becuase if it's boring I don't go. I'm too busy. But giving this time to myself for my body and mental / stress level has become very important to me.
posted at 06/16/08
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
1 5

Don't go is right....

My impression was cult like. I enjoyed the workouts but stopped going because I was consistently pressured to purchase an expensive membership package. I kept wondering why I couldn't just pay my $100.00 a month and show up like any other place. Funny, I was going there to relieve my stress but in essence I was coming home more stressed because of their insistance on giving them carte blanche on my credit card.
posted at 02/01/09
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best thing I ever did for myself!

I feel so much better since starting Dahn Yoga. A few years ago I had areally bad scare with colon cancer. A friend recommended Dahn Yoga because it reall helped her too. We both are very high strung people. But now I only get stressed out when I can't get to class. What is great about it, is the class are not that hard (most of the time)! My friend lost almost 50lbs. And I can stretch like never before and I'm almost 60!
It's a great atmosphere to get yourself back into shape and relax!!!!
posted at 02/10/09
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
4 5

Loved the Classes

I loved the classes. Atmosphere calm and relaxing. It was amazing how much tension left my body in a short amount of time. My family saw a big difference in my face. The wrinkles just disappeared as stress left my body.

I'd highly suggest the Brain Wave Vibration class. My doctor recommended me to keep taking the classes as my medical results were improving. I'm off my medications and I love it.

Prices very reasonable compared to medical expense I've paid for a very long time. The investment into my health has really paid off.
posted at 08/19/10
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Love the Dahn Yoga Durango Center

The Dahn Yoga Center at Durango is inviting and has changed my life. Love the staff and how they always want the best for me and my development. The stress of the day literally melts away as I walk into the center. If you have never tried Dahn Yoga before get the Durango Center - You won't regret it.
posted at 01/30/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dahn Yoga

Dahn Yoga has been very essential in my life, health, getting and staying in shape, opening up my body with Brain Waive vibration, exercise, and meditation to open your mind and body. Positive energy for mind. body, and spirit.
posted at 02/24/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

More Than Just Yoga

Dahn Yoga is a very special healing place that helps you quiet your mind and connect with your True Self through basic exercises. Dahn means energy and energy yoga is the style or type of Yoga. They also do Tai Chi energy classes that are conducted much the same way as their energy style of Yoga. Whether it is Yog or Tai Chi, either one works to help you stop your thinking (quiet your mind) so your body can relax for a well deserved rest. I really like being here and attend classes 6 days per week. I am almost 60 years old and feel really good, thanks to the greatly experienced masters who guide me. They even give me homework exercises that help with my specific condition! Take one class and you will feel the difference...this is no ordinary Yoga class!
posted at 02/27/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best place to relax and get back in shape

Despite its great location and wonderful space design. Training yoga at the Durango Center is one of my favorite things to do. Everybody at the center is always in the best attitude to help, teach, and suppor whoever walks in.
Erin and everybody that I have met there are always trying to make your day better, but also pushing you to improve your condition and health. I love yoga, I love Durango Center! ; )
posted at 03/04/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5


i enjoyed my experience here and I'm having a wonderfull time great place to bring friends and family they have a helping staff in a very open and nice setting i strongly suggest this place i have been a member for 9 months and been there many times and love it. You can attend classes at all four locations.
posted at 03/17/11
Dahn Yoga 702-365-9642
8480 W Desert Inn Rd., F3
Las Vegas , NV 89117 UNITED STATES
5 5

I wish you to know

Dahn yoga was the best thing happened to me. It is the most wonderful training method for your body and soul. I hope everyone benefit from it as much as I have been!!!
posted at 04/08/11

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Dahn Yoga
Active Life
4.3 (13 reviews)
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