Body & Brain

Body & Brain

Yoga & Pilates Classes in Albuquerque, NM

Yoga & Pilates Classes

Contact us


800 3rd St NW,
Albuquerque , NM 87102 UNITED STATES

About Body & Brain

At Body & Brain, we take a different approach to yoga than you might expect. We don't expect you to know anything or be extremely flexible. We don't expect you to take part in a fashion competition. We don't even expect you to have a yoga mat! Just show up, breathe, and relax into an unexpected experience of self-discovery. Our emphasis on personalized care, classroom etiquette, and clothing policies is influenced by the Korean tradition of our practice. Our goal is to welcome each individual and allow them the space to make the most of their time with us.


Body & Brain 505-262-2211
800 3rd St NW,
Albuquerque , NM 87102 UNITED STATES
Body & Brain 5

Based on 1 reviews

Body & Brain 505-262-2211
800 3rd St NW,
Albuquerque , NM 87102 UNITED STATES
5 5

Energy Training Cures what ails you!

I found Body + Brain when I was looking for Yoga classes and I am so happy that I did. The classes are gentle but effective. I have learned a lot about energy. The classes keep my body strong and give me a chance to let go of the stress...
posted at 09/13/10

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Body & Brain
Yoga & Pilates Classes
5.0 (1 reviews)
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