B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center

B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center

Shopping in San Diego, CA


Contact us


3556 University Avenue,
San Diego , CA 92104 UNITED STATES

About B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center

Welcome To B Intuitive Metaphysical Store And Healing Center!
We are here to raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet by teaching you to become self-reliant, develop awareness, help you to grow and raise your consciousness and become the very best version of yourself possible for you to enlighten the world and share the beautiful soul that you are truly meant to be.

We offer Psychic Readings, Life Coaching, Meditation, Classes, Limpias, Regressions, Karmic Disconnection, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Energy Clearing, Healing, and Events. Our beautiful center also provides you with all your metaphysical and spiritual needs! Crystals, incense, candles, essential oils, books, jewelry, clothing and more!!

Open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday 11-6 pm and Sundays 11-5 pm. Have a beautiful and blessed day.


B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center 619-296-1560
3556 University Avenue,
San Diego , CA 92104 UNITED STATES
B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center

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B Intuitive Metaphysical Store and Healing Center

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