Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service

Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service

Auto Dealers in Orlando, FL

Auto Dealers

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2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES

About Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service

We are great at everything from auto restoration and collision repair to preventative maintenance, oil changes and more. We will fix almost anything on almost any kind of car, from foreign makes to domestic models. So come to our auto body shop for all your auto care needs. We’re the auto repair and maintenance facility where the customer is number one! We insist that our customers be satisfied with our work!


Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 5

Based on 11 reviews

Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Anytime I may need repairs or painting in the future, Cliff's Auto Repair\r
will be my choice. Thank you very much.
posted at 06/24/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Great place! In this day and age, it`s hard to find a company you can trust. Cliff's Auto Repair was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why ? the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!
posted at 06/21/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repair is the company which can solve all your problems with your car.So my advice is to call them when you need professional services for you car.
posted at 06/10/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repair is the repair services I trust and I know if I have a problem with my car this is the company which can help me.
posted at 06/10/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repair have done the repair of my car very fast. I want to thank them for that and also want to recommend them to all people in Orlando, FL who need good auto repair services.
posted at 06/07/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

When there is a problem with your car and you need auto repair services the company that can give you the best quality is Cliff's Auto Repair. We promise you the best auto repair services.Auto Repair,...
posted at 04/08/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Anytime I may need repairs or painting in the future, Cliff's Auto Repair will be my choice. Thank you very much.
posted at 06/24/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repairis a wonderful place to take any car that needs repairs. You people should be very proud of where you work and please give yourselves a pat on your backs for a job WELL DONE. Thank you so much. You are a wonderful group...
posted at 06/21/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repair, I want to thank you for the immediate help. You are amazing.
posted at 06/09/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Thank you, Cliff's Auto Repair

I want to thank Cliff's Auto Repair for the fast help everytime I call them. I've been using the services of other companies but Cliff's Auto Repair is the company I prefer. Thank you and I wish you success in your future work.
posted at 06/06/11
Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service 407-297-8868
2522 W Washington St,
Orlando , FL 32805 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cliff's Auto Repair

Cliff's Auto Repair is the repair service for which I know if I have a problem with my car this is the company which can help me.
posted at 06/09/11

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Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service
Auto Dealers
5.0 (11 reviews)
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Orlando Cliff's Auto Repair Service

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