Clarke Law, LLC

Clarke Law, LLC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Atlanta, GA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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3355 Lenox Rd NE, #750
Atlanta , GA 30326 UNITED STATES

About Clarke Law, LLC

Clarke Law offers a wide range of family and criminal law services that include advice, counseling, negotiation, and representation in litigation. Clarke Law clients benefit from our proven track record while enjoying the personalized and high-quality service of a boutique law firm. As a smaller law firm, we can provide clients with more cost-effective legal representation without sacrificing “hands-on” attention. Our substantial expertise and a proven track record provide clients with the confidence they need to work with us.


Clarke Law, LLC 404-965-3654
3355 Lenox Rd NE, #750
Atlanta , GA 30326 UNITED STATES
Clarke Law, LLC

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Clarke Law, LLC

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