Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center

Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center

Auto Repair in San Antonio, TX

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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3903 Mccullough Ave.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES


Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center 210-805-0443
3903 Mccullough Ave.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES
Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center 210-805-0443
3903 Mccullough Ave.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES
5 5

My Neighborhood Go To Mechanics!!

This is a little old fashion garage that SERVES the neighborhood. Both times I've been in need of mechanic assistance Paul has warmly greeted me, and most importantly listened patiently while I tried to explain what was wrong with my car....
posted at 04/06/11

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Chevron Olmos Park & Auto Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car brake repair,  auto painting,  foreign car repair car mechanic
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