Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk

Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk

Doctors in Charlotte, NC


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2001 Vail Ave.,
Charlotte , NC 28207 UNITED STATES


Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk 704-379-5000
2001 Vail Ave.,
Charlotte , NC 28207 UNITED STATES
Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk 4

Based on 2 reviews

Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk 704-379-5000
2001 Vail Ave.,
Charlotte , NC 28207 UNITED STATES
4 5

A great hospital with unmatched personal service

I recently had orthopedic surgery at Mercy Hospital. I stayed in the hospital for 3 nights and 4 days. My wife also stayed in my room for the entire time. I had also had my pre-op work up at Mercy Hospital some weeks previous to my...
posted at 03/05/10
Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk 704-379-5000
2001 Vail Ave.,
Charlotte , NC 28207 UNITED STATES
4 5

Worst Surgical hospital ever

ZERO STARS!!! actually - it made me give 1

Worst hospital I have ever been to. The staff was rude and nasty. I was there on 4/18 for surgery that the doctor had deemed life saving! However, despite the fact I had insurance, and...
posted at 04/19/11

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Carolinas Healthcare Syst Carolinas Physicians Ntwrk
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