Carmike Carmike 10

Carmike Carmike 10

Music Venues in Lexington, KY

Music Venues Movie Theaters Theaters

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3151 Mapleleaf Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES


Carmike Carmike 10 859-263-1729
3151 Mapleleaf Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES
Carmike Carmike 10 4

Based on 1 reviews

Carmike Carmike 10 859-263-1729
3151 Mapleleaf Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES
4 5

Worth every penny...

I loved going to the movies with my children for a low price of 1.50!!! The only downfall is that you can't use your credit cards there. So I had to run around to find my bank to get some cast (cause I never carry cash anymore) to pay for...
posted at 03/11/10

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Carmike Carmike 10
Music Venues
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