Cardon Law

Cardon Law

Lawyers and Law Firms in Virginia Beach, VA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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277 Bendix Rd, Ste 130
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES

About Cardon Law

Led by Virginia Beach personal injury attorney, David A Cardon PC, Cardon Law offers services to those in need of a personal injury attorney, criminal defense attorney, DUI attorney, car accident attorney & more. We are committed to giving each client the best possible legal defense. We prepare our clients meticulously for court and offer them realistic expectations. We are committed to forcing the party responsible for your injury and suffering to pay you the compensation you deserve. We do not get paid until you succeed. Contact us today!


Cardon Law 757-306-9060
277 Bendix Rd, Ste 130
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
Cardon Law

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