Cardon Cummings & Johnson

Cardon Cummings & Johnson

Professional Services in Ogden, UT

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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3856 Washington Blvd,
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES


Cardon Cummings & Johnson 801-627-1110
3856 Washington Blvd,
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES
Cardon Cummings & Johnson 1

Based on 1 reviews

Cardon Cummings & Johnson 801-627-1110
3856 Washington Blvd,
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very poor job... Pick another lawyer

If you are in need of an attorney that cares and shows up to court to take care of his cases, go on to the next attorney on the page, as Kelly in my case only showed up to court 2 out of 11 court dates, and then he was over 2 hours late....
posted at 12/14/10

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Cardon Cummings & Johnson
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