Cana Karola Bridal Services

Cana Karola Bridal Services

Weddings in Downey, CA


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8812 Imperial Hwy.,
Downey , CA 90242 UNITED STATES


Cana Karola Bridal Services 562-923-2332
8812 Imperial Hwy.,
Downey , CA 90242 UNITED STATES
Cana Karola Bridal Services 4

Based on 1 reviews

Cana Karola Bridal Services 562-923-2332
8812 Imperial Hwy.,
Downey , CA 90242 UNITED STATES
4 5

one stop shopping

When our friend's daughter was getting ready to celebrate her quincinera, we took her to a local salon with a very good reputation for doing hair, Cana Karola. I was impressed with the job they did and even more surprised by the other...
posted at 01/05/10

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Cana Karola Bridal Services
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