Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto)

Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto)

Auto Repair in Solana Beach, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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371 N Highway 101,
Solana Beach , CA 92075 UNITED STATES

About Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto)

Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto), at the corner of Highway 101 and Cliff Street, has been a fixture in Solana Beach since 1980. Originally specializing in imported automobiles, California Import Auto has broadened our services to include general automotive repair and customization. We employ San Diego County’s finest ASE certified mechanics who consistently earn 5 star quality rankings. With the same owner and the same staff you’ve grown accustomed to, California Import Auto has changed its name to DRIVE AutoCare. DRIVE AutoCare enhances automotive value, comfort and safety. Forevermore, we will be obsessive in our quest to exceed the expectations of our community with trustworthy advice and legendary service.


Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto) 858-755-5015
371 N Highway 101,
Solana Beach , CA 92075 UNITED STATES
Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto) 5

Based on 1 reviews

Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto) 858-755-5015
371 N Highway 101,
Solana Beach , CA 92075 UNITED STATES
5 5

California Import is the best!!!

California Import Auto is a great place to take your car. We've been going there for over 10 years and they always give great service. You never have to worry with these guys. They guaranty their work and if there's a problem they take...
posted at 02/14/11

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Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto)
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Drive AutoCare (California Import Auto)

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