John N. Cacchio, DMD

John N. Cacchio, DMD

Dentists in Philadelphia, PA


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9300 Frankford Ave,
Philadelphia , PA 19114 UNITED STATES

About John N. Cacchio, DMD

John N. Cacchio, DMD located in Philadelphia, PA. We provide virtually every dental service available for your oral health. In the event that we feel the procedure you require is outside of the scope of our expertise, we will refer you to a specialist who is better able to meet your needs. After the specialist has completed the recommended treatment for you, our office will be ready to handle your follow-up care. Our services include teeth cleaning, preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, gum and bone, oral surgery, Orthodontics, Pedodontics, root canals. We have Saturday hours 2 days a month. Call today for an appointment!


John N. Cacchio, DMD 215-331-9576
9300 Frankford Ave,
Philadelphia , PA 19114 UNITED STATES
John N. Cacchio, DMD

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