Foothills Motorsports

Foothills Motorsports

in Piedmont, SC

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104 Halter Drive,
Piedmont , SC 29673

About Foothills Motorsports

Foothills Motorsports is a full-service multi-line powersports business. We sell top brands such as Honda®, Yamaha, Waverunner Suzuki, Kawasaki, Alta Motors, Seadoo, Polaris®, Polaris Slingshot®, and Husqvarna®! We have been an established motorcycle / ATV dealership since 1972. Our goal is to provide our customers with the widest variety of products and selection of models available.


Foothills Motorsports 864-527-7433
104 Halter Drive,
Piedmont , SC 29673
Foothills Motorsports

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