C & M Auto Service Inc.

C & M Auto Service Inc.

Auto Repair in Glenview, IL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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1830 Pickwick Lane,
Glenview , IL 60026 UNITED STATES

About C & M Auto Service Inc.

C & M Auto Service, in Glenview, IL, is here to prove that automotive service can be both pleasant and uncomplicated. At C & M you're greeted by courteous ASE certified technicians who are here to serve you with honesty and quality. Whether you drive a domestic minivan, European sports car, or an Asian sedan, you can be confident a technician who is specialized in your specific make and model will service your car.

Consider C & M as your one stop shop for all your vehicle's needs. Some of the many services we offer include everything from: Oil changes, Tire repairs, Engine diagnostics, Transmission rebuilding, Belt replacements, Dents and dings removal

C & M wants to ensure that you never need to go anywhere else, therefore we offer many amenities that you won't find anywhere else.

Some of these include: Free vehicle pick-up and delivery, Courtesy shuttle to and from home or work, Free loaner vehicles, 24/7 roadside assistance, Complimentary vehicle wash and vacuum with service, Fresh-brewed coffee and baked cookies, Comfortable waiting room with free WI-FI access

Above all C & M offers and exclusive 3-year/36,000 mile warranty to guarantee your satisfaction. You can be confident that your car will be there when you need it!

Call C & M Auto today and don't forget to ask about our customer referral program and loyalty plus program!


C & M Auto Service Inc. 847-724-6311
1830 Pickwick Lane,
Glenview , IL 60026 UNITED STATES
C & M Auto Service Inc.

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