Stephen H Butter PA

Stephen H Butter PA

Lawyers and Law Firms in Aventura, FL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2875 NE 191 St.,
Aventura , FL 33180 UNITED STATES

About Stephen H Butter PA

As an Experienced Aventura Divorce Attorney, Stephen H. Butter Offers both marital and domestic partnership litigation and mediation services.

Attorney Butter has been handling all aspects of family law matters for over 40 years, including complex dissolution issues, child custody, child support, spousal support, paternity issues, visitation, relocation, prenuptial agreements, domestic partnerships and the rapidly developing area of law concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) issues.

With a focus on settlement and resolution over costly litigation, experience is the key to minimizing stress, confilct and keeping costs at a minimum while protecting children and other family members. Stephen Butter will lend his extensive knowledge and assistance in order to reach a peaceful, quick settlement that will benefit relations between both parties in the long run.

By focusing on the big picture issues of a divorce, Attorney Butter is able to hone in on important aspects of dissolving a marriage including the reasonable and equitable division of assets. Other areas of focus include property ownership, responsibility for debt, responsibility for healthcare, insurance Coverage, retirement funds as well as restraining orders regarding bank accounts and visitation conditions.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding matters of legal separation, get in touch with Aventura Divorce Attorney Stephen H. Butter to get a hold of his expertise and professional opinion.


Stephen H Butter PA 305-333-7159
2875 NE 191 St.,
Aventura , FL 33180 UNITED STATES
Stephen H Butter PA

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