Bug House the

Bug House the

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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1037 N Heliotrope Dr.,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES


Bug House the 323-662-7797
1037 N Heliotrope Dr.,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES
Bug House the 2

Based on 2 reviews

Bug House the 323-662-7797
1037 N Heliotrope Dr.,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES
1 5

vw repair

He is out of business not the best. I found One Stop Auto shop on santa monica blvd 323-227-9999 OMG they rock. I took my bug there and what a great experance. The onwer Brad onwed Rainbow VW repair about 25 years ago and now has a shop...
posted at 07/18/11
Bug House the 323-662-7797
1037 N Heliotrope Dr.,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES
3 5

He's trying

Well, I may not have always thought so, but Eddie's REALLY trying to fix my car...
posted at 03/03/10

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Bug House the
Auto Repair
2.0 (2 reviews)
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