Christopher Braddock

Christopher Braddock

Professional Services in Denver, CO

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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1900 Grant Street Suite 750,
Denver , CO 80203 UNITED STATES

About Christopher Braddock

With over 20 years of criminal defense experience, I am dedicated to providing the criminally accused the best criminal defense available to those under investigation or prosecution in state and federal courts.For people who have been charged with a criminal offense, it is imperative that you obtain the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney to help protect your rights, to thoroughly investigate your case and to craft a strong defense.


Christopher Braddock 303-675-0100
1900 Grant Street Suite 750,
Denver , CO 80203 UNITED STATES
Christopher Braddock

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Christopher Braddock
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criminal defense,  criminal attorney,  dui attorney juvenile defense attorney
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Christopher Braddock

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