Boykin Ruth DMD

Boykin Ruth DMD

Dentists in Greenville, SC


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1140 N Pleasantburg Dr,
Greenville , SC 29607 UNITED STATES


Boykin Ruth DMD 864-268-5611
1140 N Pleasantburg Dr,
Greenville , SC 29607 UNITED STATES
Boykin Ruth DMD 5

Based on 1 reviews

Boykin Ruth DMD 864-268-5611
1140 N Pleasantburg Dr,
Greenville , SC 29607 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Dentist with Great Personality

I found this dentist practice after doing some research after moving to the area. Several people recommened this place due to the ease of getting an appointment and the friendliness of the office staff. After making and attending my...
posted at 03/13/10

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