Bon Builders, Inc.

Bon Builders, Inc.

Contractors in Vandalia, OH


Contact us


4283 Old Springfield Rd,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES

About Bon Builders, Inc.

Welcome to Bon Builders
Deciding to construct a new building is a big and exciting step. Bon Builders will make sure you get the most out of your investment. We'll develop your new structure to be efficient, functional and user-friendly, and one that is cost-effective for you to operate.
We'll work with you to understand your day-to-day operations. Then we'll translate that information into developing a building that will be everything you need it to be, no matter which service we provide you:


Bon Builders, Inc. 937-898-3671
4283 Old Springfield Rd,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
Bon Builders, Inc.

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Bon Builders, Inc.

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