Eye doctors & Optometrists in Carlsbad, CA
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Eye doctors & Optometrists
2814 Roosevelt Street,
Carlsbad ,
Infant to seniors, quality eye care is our number one priority. We are dedicated to helping your get the right diagnosis and treatment for your eye problems. Using the latest in eye care technology, we will provide answers about your condition and explain it in terms you can understand. Whether you need a routine eye exam, urgent care, eyewear, contact lenses, laser vision correction, or vision therapy, you will be treated with comfort and respect. We know everyone’s needs are different, so we adjust our care to meet your needs. You will be given the proper time and attention required to get the happy eyes you deserve.
Based on 1 reviews
I Spent $300 for Nothing
I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Bloch having been told by his receptionist he took my insurance. Three quarters of the way through the exam Dr. Bloch casually mentions that he doesn't take HMOs but he'll give me a deal. By this...Worldwide > United States > Carlsbad, CA > Eye doctors & Optometrists