Bekish Orthodontics

Bekish Orthodontics

Dentists in Fort Worth, TX


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7212 Red Hawk Court,
Fort Worth , TX 76132-4106 UNITED STATES

About Bekish Orthodontics

We are thrilled to welcome you to Bekish Orthodontics. Our team has been creating incredible smiles in Fort Worth, TX since 2005.

We provide orthodontic treatment because we believe that undergoing treatment not only transforms a patient’s smile but more importantly their life. Patients who undergo treatment are more self-confident about how they look and feel. Straight teeth allow individuals to more effectively clean their teeth. A proper bite allows for better function and less wear on the teeth. Both straight teeth and a proper bite are keys to not only good dental health but one’s general health as well.

​Our goal is to provide our patients with the highest quality care utilizing exceptional service in a family-like atmosphere. Schedule a consultation today!


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Bekish Orthodontics 817-294-9200
7212 Red Hawk Court,
Fort Worth , TX 76132-4106 UNITED STATES
Bekish Orthodontics

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