Beau Townsend Nissan

Beau Townsend Nissan

Auto Dealers in Vandalia, OH

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES

About Beau Townsend Nissan

Family owned and operated for more than 44 years, we are dedicated to your complete and total satisfaction. Whether you are looking to buy a new Nissan, a Certified pre-owned Nissan, a used car, truck or SUV of another brand, or if you need fast friendly and affordable service, or you have special financing needs, NOBODY BEATS BEAU!!


Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
Beau Townsend Nissan 5

Based on 5 reviews

Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service!

Went in to buy a used car but came out with a new 2011! Really great deals and the salesmen are absolutely fantastic!
posted at 03/10/11
Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
5 5

I have had a great experience here.

I have had a great experience here. Your salesman was very professional, knowledgeable and very, very nice. The best salesman I have ever worked with. Thanks for having him here to greet me. Exce...
posted at 01/11/11
Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
5 5

Pleasant enjoyable experience.

Pleasant enjoyable experience. Matt is an excellent salesman, with good people skills. Never felt pressured or uncomfortable. All around good experience.
posted at 02/09/11
Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
5 5

We had a very nice experience.

We had a very nice experience. We left with what we wanted with a fair price. Damon and Greg were great and nice. I would never want to purchase a car for anyone else. Thanks guys!
posted at 02/09/11
Beau Townsend Nissan 937-898-6200
1050 W National Road,
Vandalia , OH 45377 UNITED STATES
5 5

Damon, Greg, and Jerry were all excellent.

Damon, Greg, and Jerry were all excellent. Jerry told me to talk with Damon when I came in. Even with my difficult situation of dealing with so much negative equity and poor credit; he made sure the process was as painless as possible. ...
posted at 02/09/11

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Beau Townsend Nissan
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