Barrier Pest Control

Barrier Pest Control

Pest Control in Nampa, ID

Pest Control

Contact us


301 South Kings Rd,
Nampa , ID 83687 UNITED STATES

About Barrier Pest Control

A family business and locally owned pest control company, Barrier Pest Control specializes in pest control services for residential and commercial customers in and around Boise Idaho. Located in Nampa, Barrier can help you with ants, spiders, mice, earwigs, fleas, gophers, voles, box elder bugs, bed bugs, spring tails, elm seed bugs, clover mites, millipedes, carpet beetles, flies, roaches, wasps, hornets, bee removal and more. We will rid you of your pest problems.

Barrier offers comprehensive pest control programs that aim to control and prevent pest infestations. We offer a fantastic quarterly pest control program for residential customers as the absolute best way to keep your home free of spiders and insects, guaranteed! If a problem arises on or inside your home between our quarterly control visits, you can call us immediately and free of charge we'll get back to your home with a smile on our face to get you pest free in no time flat.



Barrier Pest Control 208-463-4533
301 South Kings Rd,
Nampa , ID 83687 UNITED STATES
Barrier Pest Control

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