Bark Busters

Bark Busters

Dog Breeders in Cedar Rapids, IA

Dog Breeders

Contact us


4810 1st Ave NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES


Bark Busters 877-500-2275
4810 1st Ave NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES
Bark Busters 5

Based on 1 reviews

Bark Busters 877-500-2275
4810 1st Ave NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES
5 5

Step by step instructions

Jeri provided step-by-step instructions and then modeled them multiple times in order to help us understand. Murphy definitely changed for the better! Any misbehaviors are easier to handle now because of the techniques we learned to...
posted at 07/30/11

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Bark Busters
Dog Breeders
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Bark Busters

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