Bangor Tire Co

Bangor Tire Co

Auto Repair in Bangor, ME

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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35 Market St,
Bangor , ME 04401 UNITED STATES

About Bangor Tire Co

Bangor Tire carries the largest selection of quality tires for your passenger vehicle. Our service shop is ready to install your new tires, rotate or balance your existing tires, or just check and make sure your tires are safe. We also offer tire storage, ask us for the details. Stop in and see us today! Winter is approaching us fast, which means slippery roads. Are your tires ready to take on the Maine winter roads? At Bangor Tire Company your safety is our priority, call to set up an appointment and let our technicians make sure your tires are ready for the upcoming weather and road conditions. Studded Snow Tires can be put on your vehicle October 1 and must be taken off by May 1.


Bangor Tire Co 207-945-6431
35 Market St,
Bangor , ME 04401 UNITED STATES
Bangor Tire Co

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Bangor Tire Co
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Bangor Tire Co

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