Bangkok BBQ

Bangkok BBQ

Restaurants in Walnut, CA

Restaurants Steakhouses

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372 N Lemon Ave.,
Walnut , CA 91789 UNITED STATES


Bangkok BBQ 909-468-9784
372 N Lemon Ave.,
Walnut , CA 91789 UNITED STATES
Bangkok BBQ 4

Based on 1 reviews

Bangkok BBQ 909-468-9784
372 N Lemon Ave.,
Walnut , CA 91789 UNITED STATES
4 5

Thai in Walnut

Good Thai restaurant. Certainly the best (the only???) if you're looking to eat Thai within the boundaries of Walnut. Great lunch specials, dinner prices are also on par with other Thai restaurants around the region. To be honest,...
posted at 05/22/10

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Bangkok BBQ
4.0 (1 reviews)
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